Saturday, October 16, 2010

Post Bon Voyage

Just returned from a business/birthday trip - I'm another year older and as murky as that usually sounds to me, I can't complain probably because I was too busy filling up on fun this past week - that of which consisted of good AMAZING food! I leave you with what I think is to be one of the best sugary meals ever invented..The Crepe! More specifically a crepe stuffed with Nutella, bananas and coconut..pure mouth euphoria.

Maybe it was the trip or perhaps the crepe, but I definitely feel recharged & have mounds of inspiration swimming in head...let another year if aging begin :)


  1. Awesome! Love your new blog. Very interesting. Good luck and may it be a success.

  2. hey sis love ur blog its so u and pretty. it makes me hungry though i absolutely love ur blog and little linus well love you hope to see u soon. love, dani
